All three are back to school! WOW!
I went with Alicia and Karla Marti and met up at McDonald's with some other of the Dewitt moms!
I can't say it hit me, the sad twinge, until I was at home in the quiet.
I miss them, yet I am happy to get a start on getting the house back in order and starting a school time routine!
My family is my life, and my life is wonderful!
Thank you sweet Jesus! :)
So what is it with the boys and HOODIES?? Gavin wanted one,

and then of course his brother wanted one too... this picture was taken at Sears where we got them on sale when we went to get their new shoes...

Sears has MY business! I knew they would replace pants if they ripped out before they were outgrown, but I didn't know about the shoe policy being the same!
So we got our Sketchers at Sears this year!
I can not BELIEVE Gavin is in 3rd GRADE!! That seems so BIG to me!!

And there are SO many boys in his class! Praying for his teacher!
She has 3rd and 4th grade... Gavin's first combined class at Heritage.
I am sure she runs a tight ship and it will be great!

Cute story... I could tell Gabriel had been holding on to this worry a bit when he asked.
He said "Mom, I don't want to go to 1st grade, there aren't enough seats."
"What do you mean? " I said.
"There were only FIVE seats in there." (last years 1st grade class)
"Gabriel, they will bring in more desks so everyone has one." (He has a class of 11)
I cannot
describe the relief on his face! LOL!
Little guy thought they wouldn't have any more seats for them all! LOL!
Too cute!
Here is Gabriel in his new seat! :)

Gabriel and Gavin at Chapel this a.m.

Sometimes I think to wonder if we should still send them to private christian school...
(Usually when we write that first check at the beginning of the year... :) )
Then I hear what they have to say at chapel, and the freedom
to speak of God and Jesus.
The administrator reading a book to them all this a.m. of the doubt that Noah had of what God asked him to do, and how he never understood "how" he was to do what he was asked, but had faith that it was right-listening to that instilling in them that God, no matter their doubt or nervousness of a new year, would be there to see them through...
(I need to hear this too, since I am as nervous as they are about new teachers and tasks, etc.! Geez! :) )
And the parents encircling the children at chapel, praying, if they wish, for their children.
And my doubt is replaced with peace.
My children will not remember what we don't have (monetarily) because they are at a christian school, but they certainly will remember what they gained. I never know how we afford it, but we always do. Thanks to Grandpa's help and my ability to work part-time and Jerry having a stable job, we are blessed... but even if we weren't, I am sure that Heritage would do all they could so that my children could continue.
All because it is important that God is part of their everyday, freely. Amen. :)
(stepping down from soap box-LOL! )
And here are some pictures of Cora and her first day not posted previously! Isn't she cute in pigtails??)

I hope to scrap tonight... and get some laundry done... and watch the movie I will owe back to Red Box by 9pm! :)
Have a great day!!